Saturday, 5 March 2011


You heard me. Acne. The skin disease grasping teens at the early stages of puberty and unrelentingly but hesitantly parting ways after we hit 18 or 19.

I kid, I kid. I'm talking about the brand here - the love of my life. What's interesting about Acne is why it's chosen such an obscure name for such a cool brand. It's opted for something that is the epitome of uncool to turn it into an internationally renowned label. For instance, check out this kid here with some unfortunate acne action going on - gotta love those hormones.

Now, Acne has pulled off a hell of a miracle not to be associated with that kind of press. Instead, they have shown us some of the coolest trail blazing trends of our time. From their hybria lea boots to their draped tank dresses, I could literally scream, then die, because I know that I've lived.

Hybria Lea
Love ya Acne. You could literally date me and not call me back. I won't even be hatin' 

I'm going to go stalk your store now (mainly because I go in there everyday asking if new stock has come out and I'm pretty sure the shop assistants think I have no life)... 

Draped Tank
Sex On Legs 

 ...which I don't, because look what I'm doing now.

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